Help Desk

Add To Or Change Your Directory Page

Go to “Howdy” in the upper right and click on “Edit My Directory Entry”.  Be sure to click on UPDATE after you have made the changes.

Change Your Password

Look to the upper right of screen. Point the mouse at your name and click on “edit my profile”. Go to the bottom of the page to change the password. Click on “save”. Don’t worry about the bio data in this section.  Use the “Enter Personal Info” for that.  If no HOWDY screen present, go to bottom right of the HOME page under LINKS.

Yearbook Photo

If you want to use your yearbook photo for the directory rather than uploading a more recent one, I can put it in for you. Let me know by going to the menu on the left and clicking on “Suggestions” to send me the message.

Logging Out

To log out look to the upper right under HOWDY. If you click on that you should see a logout entry. If you are already logged out because of a “timing out” then the HOWDY will not be there.  As an alternative, look to the right bottom of the HOME page.
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